Every year around this time, I come up with a list of things that I'm thankful for. Each year, the list seems to grow, proving that life just keeps getting better. Ladies and gentlemen, it's Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada, and without a doubt one of my most favourite occasions of the year.
I love this holiday primarily for the fact that it revolves around a massive feast of food, but the idea of giving thanks for all that we have brings a nice feel-good vibe to the entire weekend. This year the feast was a bit rushed, as Ryan and I stuffed ourselves before heading to a beautiful wedding... congratulations to our friends Mat and Mandy, who threw a great party and actually stayed to enjoy it, unlike many newlyweds. I'm so happy for the two of them, and wish them the best in their new life together! Weddings are so great!
I carried on the weekend, being happy and thankful.... For the following things:
1. Being in Canada. Anywhere else, and I wouldn't even get to celebrate Thanksgiving in all of its turkey and pumpkin pie glory. I've always loved my country, but after spending 18 months in the Middle East, I'm exceptionally patriotic these days. This is my home, and as far as I'm concerned the best place on Earth. Trust me, I've seen a great deal of places to support this theory. I'm so, so happy to be home.
2. My family. They've supported me through all of my crazy adventures and encouraged me to pursue my dreams. Like 90% of flight attendants on the planet, I've been watching the show "Pan Am" a lot lately. Perhaps it's a different era, but even today I know that some parents don't think too highly of the career. I'm not sure if it was myself of my mom that was more excited for my job. She knows how happy it makes me, and takes advantage of the perks that come with it! My brothers think that I'm a pretty cool big sister, my aunts, uncles and cousins are supportive..... my family-to-be are all pretty awesome too. I feel blessed. FYI... my puppies are part of my family too. The cuddliest, cutest members of it.
3. My fiance. Last Thanksgiving, he was just my boyfriend. I love him even more now than I did back then, which if you'd asked me a year ago I would have thought was impossible. Nobody has ever been more supportive or understood me better. Our wedding seemed like such a distant, far off thing... Mat and Mandy still had to get married long before we could countdown. They had their awesome wedding this weekend, and now it appears... we're next!! Ryan even caught the garter. I can't wait to marry him. I never dreamt I'd meet somebody who actually obsessed over airplanes the way that I do, or possessed the same carefree travel-loving attitude as me. We're pretty great for one another, and thanks to the first item on my list, we are actually together.... finally.
4. My friends. From Australia to Dubai to Canada, I have amazing friends all over the place. I'm thankful for the old ones who've been there for me since I was young and silly, to the new friends who've made the past couple of years as great as they were. I'm thankful for the fact that I can't even begin to list them all, because there are just so many awesome people.
5. My job. How many people can honestly say that they've scored their dream job... not once, but twice?! I can, and I still pinch myself from time to time to make sure it's real. I love what I do, and the sky feels like my home. I've worked international, seen the world, and came back home to do what I love in the country that I call home. I couldn't ask for anything more. Other people dream of this job, and I'm one of the lucky dreamers who've seen it come true.
6. Chocolate. For being there for me when times get tough, and making the good times even better. How could I not include one of my most favourite things in my list?!
7. Life. I love my life, and I'm appreciative of all of the little things that I could write out here if you all wanted to read one of my longest blog posts, ever. I'm happy, healthy, alive and thankful. I'm marrying my best friend, shopping for houses, flying around the continent, and surrounded by amazing people. If you ask me, life really couldn't get a whole lot better than it already is. I'm truly blessed, and truly thankful.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of my Canadians at home or abroad!