Why So High Price Hermes bag?

Brand bags this one is often a status symbol. Understandably, the price is exorbitant. But do you know why the price of a Hermes bag could be so expensive?

A conversation about celebrity or socialite B carrying Hermes bags that seem to be a status symbol that we often hear. One of the most popular Hermes bag is the Birkin Bag.

Hermes birkin bag

Birkin bag actress Jane Birkin was created from boss curhatan Hermes, Jean-Louis Dumas in 1981. Jane is a plane with Dumas to be bothered with her purse. When Jane tried to put his bag in the trunk of a chair, but then spills and mess.

For Dumas, Jane complained about the difficulty of finding qualified and functional leather bag for traveling. Dumas tried to make bags with bags of inspiration from the same model year 1892. In 1984, creating a bag from Hermès Birkin Jane who later became one of the iconic bags.

Since its founding, Birkin bag to bag a rare luxury. As a brand, Hermès has always sought to maintain the image of exclusive and prestigious products. Company that was born in 1837 does not try to market their products and can only be owned by a particular person. The result, Hermes bag is not just a fashion product is also a status symbol.

Various celebrities like Victoria Beckham, Kim Kardashian, Katie Holmes, for Lady Gaga never seen carrying a Birkin bag mainstay as a complementary appearance.

Birkin bag prices could range from $ 8 thousand to $ 20 thousand. Price of these bags depends on the materials used, the accompanying decorations, bags and exclusivity.

If you see the documentary "Hearts & Crafts (People Who Make Hermes) ', the home of celebrity fashion idol of many countries in the world do not want to mass produce their goods. All products are made by hand in particular. Start of cutting, sewing, until settlement is made by a person skilled with great accuracy. Special stitches that are characteristic of the early Hermes is one of the factors that make the quality of Hermès handbags.

An Hermès bag can take 24-36 hours of production. Because it is done by hand one by one, then there is no detailed Hermès bag that can be very similar. Fewer defects in the production of these bags will go into exile and destroyed. Bags that do not fit the standard may not be sold and must be destroyed to maintain quality.

Several years ago, to have a Birkin bag is not as easy to come to the store and pay. Buyers can enter up to 6-year waiting list for a Birkin bag's dream.

But now no longer impose waiting lists Hermès system. If the stock is available, the buyer can simply bring home a bag she wants. To meet the high demand, Hermes has hired hundreds of new craftsmen around 2000 workers to strengthen the existing ones.

Birkin bag using the key ingredient the skin. Using a variety of skin of cows, sheep, ostrich, snake, reptile and crocodile. For ostrich leather, Hermes only uses a softer bottom than others.

To enhance the appearance, the padlocks, keys, and other parts made of metal and then coated with gold or palladium. Not infrequently, a few grains of diamond was also used to enhance the impression of luxury.

One of the most expensive Hermes bag sells for $ 203.150 or less than USD 1.8 billion in auction. Red bag made of crocodile leather and fitted with a diamond, bought by a collector bags are reluctant to reveal his identity.

Victoria Beckham style with White Hermes bag

Nicole Richie hermes bag style

Lindsay lohan style with blue hermes bag

Katie Holmes style with brown hermes birkin bag

Heidi Montag style with green hermes birkin bag

Eva Longoria hermes birkin bag style

Renee Zellweger style with orange bag hermes birkin